Since Simon Chapman and The Salonika Prisoners have been on hunger strike we need to increase the level of profile these prisoners have. There is not enough!! News reports have been scattered and all of us are guilty of complaicency in not being more pro-active on this issue. These people were fitted up, guilty of nothing more than using their democratic right to protest. They were at the wrong place at the wrong time, and it could be any one of us in the future. In the next few days we will have news of an action to get this campaign on our regional TV. Please copy off the above pictures to distribute absolutely everywhere. Lets make sure there is no-one in this city who does not know what is going on here!!
Hunger Strikers:
Suleiman "Castro" Dakduk from September 21st Carlos Martinez, Fernando Perez & Simon Chapman from October 5th Spiros Tsistas from October 8th
The Hunger Stike Continues......
Yesterday, Saturday 18th October, six members of Norwich Anarchists and Norwich C.W. took a leisurely stroll to the Gt.Yarmouth branch of Wilkinsons armed with leaflets and a mega phone.
As it was decided not to advertise this action, the six easily entered the shopping precinct and into the branch, where they proceeded to blast away on the mega phone and hand out leaflets.
Unlike last time there werent enough security on duty so activists had to be carried out (literally) one by one.
Once outside the police arrived who had actually been called by a member of the public due to the security's heavy handedness! They soon left and in the words of one comrade, "People were queuing up for the leaflets..you couldn't have got a better response if you were handing out free beer!"
They stayed an hour and handed out 1000 leaflets.
The Bare Your Bum At Bush campaign, although a little behind the times since the wonderful Moon against the Monarchy event, might be a bit of a laugh. Could think of a million other ways of making Bush's visit a 'pain in the arse' though.
If you happen to bump into Bush's cavalcade this Autumn, do let us know, wont you? Pictures too please!
Monday 1st September Council Demo
Although we expected a few more activists than the 10 who turned up, even half the amount of old bill at the event would have proved an embarrassment. Atleast six riot vans and scores of police hidden around the building, although the press only reported ten in view, was simply...HYSTERICAL! As for them checking through the bushes around the grounds...!!!????
When we were read out Section 14 and Section 60 it had a profound effect on us..we nearly died laughing. When we asked why a Section 60 might be imposed the officer told us that they had "Intelligence" of something big kicking off!! He also explained that Chief Superintendent Tony Cherington would use the Public Order Act (1986) to prevent serious public disorder, serious damage to property, serious disruption to the life of the community, or intimidation of others".
In the local press Chief Inspector Sarah Francis said: We received information about a possible demonstration regarding ethical investment to take place on Monday morning.
We acted on this by making sure a contingency of officers was available for deployment should this become necessary, and we provided a visual police presence for reassurance purposes.
We must say to Norfolk's 'finest' we were deeply upset that you didn't bring out the fucking helicopter and hope that we see you at our next big day out..the picket at Wilko's. Should be a good day, ABSOLUTELY HOARDES OF MILITANT ANARCHISTS FROM ALL OVER EUROPE WILL BE COMING! MIGHT EVEN BE A BAZOOKA OR TWO IF YA LUCKY!! WINK WINK!!
Hampton Court Friction Burns |
This charred wreck, with its brick chimney standing phallically upwards, is all that remains of a wooden hut, near one of Norfolk's most popular beaches.
But this was no ordinary building.
For its owner is none other than famous in-bred drag-queen 'Lillo-Lizzy' and her family of crash-test dummies.
Set in the woods on the edge of beautiful Holkham Bay, who would have known such a place existed and the naughtiness that occured within?
We are sorry to say 'Lizzy' but we have heard that it is one of your own who did do the dastardly deed and did in your fine and dandy doddering box. It has come to our attention that it was none other than your own Charlie Chortle and his rumpy friend Camilla 'Park n Ride in da Rolls'! In their frenzied frolicing, that silly Camilla did forget to put out the ol'Twood-bine' and what's more it isn't the first time this bouncy couple have done it is it?!!! Windsor....Hampton ..Buckingham?
But you know what? We are buggered (DOWN CHARLIE!!!) if we are going to pay for your families kinky nites in and suggest you scarper pronto somewhere far far away while you still have anything left to burn.
Tony Martin, the odd-ball farmer who shot two men trying to burgal his farm, one of whom died, has now had his police protection taken away. His protection consisted of a couple of mobile bogs one with Toilet on, the other with Police on.
The weirdo farmer, who lives off tinned fish in utter squalor (each to their own) has become the darling of the 'Get'orf moi land' classes was asked what he thought the future held.
"It's like this. You never give up. Whether you believe in God or all the other things, whatever you do, nature takes you back. You go back to where you come from. Believe me there is just the nature, just the nature."
Mmmm..like we said..weirdo.
There are two camps now..those who agree with Martins actions and those who believe in burglars rights. WE SAY THEY'RE ALL TWATS.
( aka Bonfire Night)
In Association With Norwich Class War
Sick of Guy Fawkes' victimisation over the years? Although we may not agree with his politics, we do agree with blowing up politicians.
This Bonfire night, we urge the people of Britain to rescue the Guy from imminent doom and replace him with a politician(s) of your choice (preferably alive). Make persistent calls to your local politicians to discover their whereabouts (you don't want it to fuck up on the night due to bad planning). If they have recently died dig the fucker up, they can't get off with it that lightly! This can also be fun, make it a real community event, let's face it, it's gonna be more entertaining than the Lord Mayor's procession (for those outside Norwich, this is a realy boring annual endurance).
So next time you see a politician cruising by in his tinted SUV-you can rejoice and look forward to burning a voodoo doll of them on Fawkin' Judgement Night.
If you can't find any politicaians, there are always coppers about, fascists also burn well. But check! Don't burn nice people! Decide on levels of niceness by using our simple questionaire:
1) Do you have a bust of Hitler/Lenin/Tony Blair in your house?
2) Do you wish you had a bust of the above in your house?
3) Is the bust for decorative purposes or is it in your toilet cistern to save on water usage?
4) Will you swap your bust of Hitler/Lenin/Tony Blair for a copy of Now or Never!?
Right now you've sussed how nice they are you can get on with fighting the class war. If they're nice let them go, if not tie them up, stick them in a wheel barrow, gag them con passers by into giving you money or drugs for your efforts.
When you arrive at the Bonfire reassure members of the public that it isn't an innocent person your chucking onto the inferno, but a scumbag politician. We anticipate that there will be roars of applause from all those surrounding and you'll be elevated to the status of hero for the evening. Now the public can really decide whether they would piss on them if they were on fire!
Our culture is manipulated to serve those with power. Guy Fawkes Night arose less out of popular motivation to celebrate his execution but more as a threat from the State to instill fear to those who that may tread in his footsteps. It's time to tread where the fuck we like and turn the tide on this State created celebration.
(This is for further educational purposes and life long learning only. Honest Guv'nor. Break your revision into bitesize pieces, eat well and enjoy a nice drink by your roaring fire.)
Lady (cough) Diana Mosley has atlast croked in Paris. Wife of British Union Of Fascist dogsbreaths Sir Oswald Mosley, who had atleast the decency to fuck off and die back in 1980, Mosley has gone to the happy fascist knocking shop in the sky. No doubt she can now get it on with friends Oswald, Adolf, Edward and Mrs.(hop on) Simpson..I'd like to be a fly on that celestial wall!!
Prince 'oik' Philip has complained about the recent portrait of himself painted by Stuart Pearson Wright.When asked whether the painting captured a likeness he whined
"I bloody well hope not!".
Well yor nonceness, we reckon this is a definite likeness of your blood-sucking, sponging self. It captures you 'warts'n'all and is another reason why you really shouldn't go out in public frightening little kids. So beware...stay the fuck away!
Prince Philip and his stupid big mouth
(Stolen from the Monarchy Out! website)
A Head of State is a symbol of his/her countrys character and outlook. And naturally enough, Heads of State try to make a good impression when on official visits (at home or abroad). This requires diplomacy and tact from all the Head of States entourage. Oh dear, enter Prince Philip, the man for whom the term politically correct is completely alien and who only takes his foot out of his mouth to eat or drink. Phil apparently believes that he is misunderstood and that many of his remarks are misconstrued. Somehow, I dont think so. Take a look at the evidence spanning over thirty-five years:
May 2002 - Phil ensures that the Windsors Golden Jubilee tour of Britain starts appropriately. Upon confronting a visually impaired, wheelchair bound lady and her guide dog, he joshes: Do you know they have eating dogs for the anorexic now? Stan Boardman must be worried about losing the title of Most Offensive Man in Britain.
March 2002 - Liz and Phil travel to Australia as part of the Golden Jubilee World Tour (any T-shirts available?!). After taking in a performance by an Aboriginal dance troop, Phil wisely avoids racial stereotypes by deftly asking an Aboriginal leader, Do you still throw spears at each other? Yeah, thatll help the monarchists down under.
August 1999 - whilst being shown around a high-tech electronics factory in Edinburgh, Phil notices a fuse box thats less advanced than other equipment that's around. So naturally, the completely unbigoted and misunderstood Duke automatically says, It looks as though it was put in by an Indian. Thereby offending an entire sub-continent.
May 1999 - Phil visits the new Welsh Assembly, eventually coming across a group from the British Deaf Association. Upon seeing some young people with hearing impairments standing near a band, the Duke remarks: Deaf? If you are near there [the music], no wonder you are deaf. What an enlightened and educated man he is, eh?
1997 - theres something about India and Indians with Phil. On an official visit to Jallianwala Bagh and the Flame of Liberty (a memorial to unarmed men, women and children who were butchered by General Reginald Dyers British forces in 1919), the Duke reportedly said the Jallianwala Bagh tragedy was vastly exaggerated.
1996 - Phil makes an entirely perspicacious, intelligent and sensitive comment during the gun debate that follows the Dunblane massacre: Theres no evidence that people who use weapons for sport are any more dangerous than people who use golf clubs or tennis rackets or cricket bats. And Im certain the people of Dunblane share your views.
1995 - never one to rely on stereotypes, Phil asks a Scottish driving instructor: How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?
1994 - everybody knows that questioning a persons parentage is never a polite thing to do, well, except good ol Phil. During a spell in the Cayman Islands he asks a local: Arent most of you descended from pirates?
1993 - Phil tells a Brit in Hungary: You cant have been here that longyou havent got a pot belly.
1993 - Phil visits Lockerbie, scene of the Pan Am air disaster, where eleven locals died (killed by wreckage) along with those on board. For some strange reason, the locals are offended when Phil says: People usually say that after a fire it is water damage that is the worst. We are still trying to dry out Windsor Castle. Insensitive, inappropriate and idiot are three words that spring to mind.
1992 - animal lover Phil declines to even touch one of Australias most loved species, the Koala bear: Oh no, I might catch some ghastly disease.
1986 - on a tour of China, Phil single-handedly tries to end Sino-British diplomatic relations. He describes Beijing as ghastly and told a group of British students: If you stay here much longer youll all be slitty-eyed.
1986 - whilst its true to say that the people of Hong Kong and China choose their ingredients from a wider selection than us in the West, Phil oversteps the mark during a World Wildlife Fund conference: If it has got four legs and it is not a chair, if it has got two wings and it flies but is not an aeroplane, and if it swims and it is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it.
1984 - upon being presented with a gift from a very obviously female Kenyan the ever gracious and courteous Phil inquires: You are a woman, arent you?
1981 - at the peak of the recession, Phil sensitively jokes that: Everybody was saying we must have more leisure. Now they are complaining they are unemployed.
1969 - Welsh national treasure Tom Ive had more knickers thrown at me than Ive had hot dinners Jones is asked by the Duke if he gargled with pebbles after a turn at the Royal Variety Performance.
1966 - whos left for Phil to offend? Ah, yes - women: British women cant cook. Admittedly, that comment is a little more tame than the rest, but this was 1966, Phil was just warming up back then.